Garmin Hxaf003R Western Africa

R3325,00 incl.

Garmin® BlueChart™ g2 Western Africa microSD Format Electronic Chart

2 in stock

SKU: GA-010C074920 Category: Tags: , , ,


BlueChart™ g2 Western Africa microSD Format Electronic Chart by Garmin®. Combining on-screen navigation with the latest in high-resolution satellite imagery, this mapping product – with complete coverage on a single card – offers clear and current information regarding access to those backwaters, swamps and canals where standard government-issue marine charts may not accurately represent the shifting shorelines of navigable waterways.


  • Make sure your device is compatible with this product before purchasing
  • To view and use the maps on this card, you must have a device with a microSD/SD card slot
  • Maps on a microSD/SD card require a unit to be viewed on a computer with BaseCamp™ or HomePort™, depending on the type of map
  • Each download can be assosiated with only one registered device
  • Opened packages will not be eligible for credit return


  • Navigate with a true and realistic “bird’s eye” view of the channels and shorelines in your area by integrating 3 feet high-res color satellite imagery with your chartplotter’s marine cartography
  • Quickly and easily superimpose satellite images over your displayed charts for real-life views of waterways, landmarks, obstructions, terrain features and more
  • View aerials of shorelines, roads, marinas, canals and channels, which help provide the extra situational awareness you need to clearly see the big picture when you’re “up to your armpits in alligators.”
  • For added perspective, BlueChart g2 HD cartography offers a choice of standard 2-D direct overhead or 3-D “over-the-bow” map views to further enhance chart interpretation and orientation

Advanced Chart Detail
Detailed charts help the mariner guide their boat in and out of port with confidence.

Depth Range Shading
Displays high-resolution Depth Range Shading for up to 10 depth ranges so you can view your designated target depth.

Detailed Contours
BlueChart g2 HD features 1-foot contours that provide a more accurate depiction of bottom structure for improved fishing charts and enhanced detail in swamps, canals and port plans.

Additional information

Weight 0,1 kg